What makes a good source of Argan Oil?

Like with any oil, Argan Oil can greatly differ in taste. Although the Argan trees grow in the area of south-western Morocco, we have found considerable differences between the taste of Argan Oil and their stability (shelf-life).

The main reasons for the differences in the taste of Argan Oil is the quality of the Argan fruits and the production methods. For a good Argan Oil source, the Argan fruits need to come from farmers that have protected their Argan trees from the goats. Although goats in the Argan trees is a lovely touristic image, in reality, the goats are not the Argan trees’ friends, because they damage the trees.

Before we set up The Taste of Argan Oil, we spent time sampling and testing the shelf-life of Argan Oil from different cooperatives and found that the high-quality, best tasting Argan Oil came from cooperatives that used traditional production methods, had a high standard of cleanliness and a good working environment for the women. Cooperatives that had a good working environment offered, for example, free education to the women, as well as enabling them to earn their own money working at the cooperative.

We at The Taste of Argan Oil have established strong relationships with our selected partner women cooperatives, who supply us with delicious culinary gourmet Argan Oil. We would like to promote their brilliant artisan methods of producing Argan Oil by launching a Crowdfunding initiative, where The Taste of Argan Oil raises money for things that our partner women cooperatives need, for example, medicine and work clothes. We believe that by supporting the women cooperatives directly, any money raised can be used for the women at the cooperative without a middle-man deducting a percentage.

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